Canario de Rey Gladiador
CANARIO de Rey Gladiadorfather: Loreto de Rucaden (known also es El Loco de Reganados)mother: Xixi de Rey Gladiador CLICK FOR PEDIGREE
CANARIO de Rey Gladiadorfather: Loreto de Rucaden (known also es El Loco de Reganados)mother: Xixi de Rey Gladiador CLICK FOR PEDIGREE
There is no set price for Presa Canario puppies. Prices vary from around $2500 reaching 4500-5000$ in the USA. Price is usually higher if the parents are Champions, titled in sports and shows, are renowned working dogs, are health tested, ears are cropped and mentorship and guidance from…
Dnia 25 sierpnia 2014 urodziły się maluchy po Yerba Yaisa de Rey Gladiador i Tajadre de Tenaguia (Wyspy Kanaryjskie)