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Rey Gladiador – working dogs

All my dogs prior to breeding are temperament tested. All breeding dogs to receive breeding rights have to go through Temperament Test and pass 5 different scenarios showing strong nerves and balanced character plus they have to go through 3 dog shows and be confirmed by 3 different judges, at least one time on an International dog show. 

My dog Kingo (King Size de Presa Awangarda) and I were asked to participate in Courage tests held by Club Dogo Canario from Czech Republic.  Kingo is the first Presa Canario who passed all 4 levels of those tests, and when passing the 4th level twice he was awarded the title of Courage Champion CDC CZ. Kingo was a living legend and changed the outlook on Presa Canario and workings dogs at his time. 


  • Courage Champion
  • Courage Tests IV
  • Courage Tests III
  • Courage Tests II
  • Courage Tests I
  • Passed Temperament Tests (all breeding dogs)
    * Courage Tests were held by Dogo Canario Club CZ
    * Temperament Test held by Polish Kennel Club
  • Russian Ring
  • IPO BH
  • PCCA Temperament Test
  • CCF1
  • OKD-3

Ewa Ziemska

Breeder and researcher of Presa Canario. Lived in Poland, London UK and presently stays in Kentucky, USA and traveled through whole Europe and 22 States discovering the breed. Speaks Polish, English and Spanish. Master of Science of Management and Computer Modeling and Engineer of Production Engineering of Kielce University of Technology. Avid traveler, photographer and dog book collector. Instagram @reygladiador