You are currently viewing Old photos of Presa Canarios
Preparándose para una pechada en la que está Salvador Hernández (más conocido como Salvadorito el de los perros) con ‘Nerón’ (que lo tuvo después que Pancho Saavedra), en Valsequillo. | FOTO CEDIDA

Old photos of Presa Canarios

This gallery is redesigned and contains few pictures of other breeds. Come back soon for descriptions of all photos and more

Ewa Ziemska

Breeder and researcher of Presa Canario. Lived in Poland, London UK and presently stays in Kentucky, USA and traveled through whole Europe and 22 States discovering the breed. Speaks Polish, English and Spanish. Master of Science of Management and Computer Modeling and Engineer of Production Engineering of Kielce University of Technology. Avid traveler, photographer and dog book collector. Instagram @reygladiador