English translation of the book by Manuel Martin Bethencourt “Presa Canario”. One of the projects to share more information’s about the breed with people.
As stated on many occasions by the prestigious cynologist Carlos Salas in his brilliant works, the history of any canine breed, in the modern sense, begins when a Book of Origins is established, a breed standard or standard of type accepted by a group of breeders and a…
Between 1960 and 1970, the survival of the Perro de Presa in the Canaries was in the hands of a few breeders. It's on the island of Gran Canaria where we could find the main center of existing population.We know of many isolated specimens from different parts of…
The most obvious physical quality of the Presa Canario is its solidity. It is a medium sized animal, that is compact, rectangular, low set and broad , and whose presence enhances its solid appearance. Its bone structure is very robust, with strong bones covered with well developed muscles,…
Originally published on 31st of July 2014 The modern concept of a breed contemplates the existence of genetic inheritance producing a homogeneous population, similar morphology, at least in the essential characteristics shown in the breed standard or description.This concept is little more than one hundred years old, and…
From the early years of this century we have had graphic documents, which show, for the first time, the existence of the Perro de Presa in the Canaries.Some of these old photographs, which we have been able to include in this book, show dogs that lived in the…
The Canarian Archipelago, made up of a chain of volcanic islands and about 500 km in length, lies between 27° - 29° latitude North and 13° - 18° longitude West, very near the north-western edge of Africa. The proximity of the almost uninhabited, desert continent and the differences…
From throughout the 16th century, and according to the "Cedularios del Cabildo de Tenerife" ( The Island Government Records Office, Tenerife): In agreement with the Island Government of Tenerife, as from 5th February, 1516, butchers will be allowed to have, at their service, a pair of ‘Perros de…