Size and dimensions of Presa Canario – I was thinking with numbers to use but because there are so many slight differences in this I decided to stick with original writing of the book I use as reference (M.M.Bethencourt), this numbers are description of what was described as most desirable and even with slight differences among standards it’s still very accurate.
High in the withers:
Males: 60 to 64 cm (61-66 cm for standard 1989 and 60-66 cm current FCI standard 2011)
Females: 55 to 60 cm (57-62 cm standard from 1989 and 56-62 cm current FCI standard 2011)
For very typical dogs it’s allowed 2 cm below or above this given dimensions with keeping and eye for good ratio between length of legs and longitude of body.
Breed standard approves oscillation of more or less 4 to 5 cm (4,5-1,9 inches) for both sexes but the medium high is the most proffered one. The average for males is 62-63cm (24,4-24,8 inch) and 57-59 cm (22,4-23,2 inch) for female.
In general dogs of minimum or maximum dimensions tend to have less harmony. In the medium size Presa Canario have the best presence and physical form is most athletic and of best ease and speed of movement, with for obvious reasons is reduced with minimal or maximum dimensions.
Judges should never promote dogs of great high as breeding with bigger dogs evolves into dimensions in contradiction with functionality of Presa and morphology described by standard changes.
average 45-57 kg (99-126 lb) in 1989 standard
set with minimum and maximum of 50-65 kg (110-143 lb) for FCI 2011 standard
average of 40-50 kg (88-110 lb) in 1989 standard
set with minimum and maximum of 40-55 kg (88-121 lb) for FCI 2011 standard
Bone and muscle structure of Presa Canario is very strong and this is genetic trait of the breed. This to say the dog doesn’t need to be overweight to present good.The good scale for weight will be given by judging the lower line of the body that should be coming with slight tuck in belly region. When this line is a sight of loosens or the sides are filled to much we can say the animal weights to much, and so it shows also in reverse with underweight dogs. Descending belly is in contradiction with appearance of Presa.