Breed dogs to fit the breed standard instead of trying to change the breed standard because your dogs don’t fit it anymore. That’s what happened years ago when the breed name and standard were changed. Gladly those changes got revoked so many of us who cared for the breed and didn’t accept changes to the breed we love are happy. I always tried to breed my dogs with the original breed standard in mind and now when this breed standard is back in FCI my dogs will fit. It’s worth believing in what you do. Keeping your vision. It doesn’t matter what trends are trending breed for the breed to preserve it not for the fads.
Breed standard – short note
Ewa Ziemska
Breeder and researcher of Presa Canario. Lived in Poland, London UK and presently stays in Kentucky, USA and traveled through whole Europe and 22 States discovering the breed. Speaks Polish, English and Spanish. Master of Science of Management and Computer Modeling and Engineer of Production Engineering of Kielce University of Technology. Avid traveler, photographer and dog book collector.
Instagram @reygladiador