You are currently viewing 1874  about Presa Canario? The illustrated book of the dog – Vero Shaw

1874 about Presa Canario? The illustrated book of the dog – Vero Shaw

The illustrated book of the dog – Vero Shaw – 1881
If you read the whole paragraph before going to highlighted area you will see that in the last part author say most likely about Presa Canario (Canary Islands are on African cost). Especially knowing description of the first Spanish-Bulldog Toro and than description of Leon (both with cropped ears and names of spanish origin) being of same type we can think that they say more about Presa Canario than an Boerboel (especially that reading this as a whole we can see strong will to get rid of mastiff blood from the old english bulldogs)

Ewa Ziemska Administrator
Breeder and researcher of Presa Canario. Lived in Poland, London UK and presently stays in Kentucky, USA and traveled through whole Europe and 22 States discovering the breed. Speaks Polish, English and Spanish. Master of Science of Management and Computer Modeling and Engineer of Production Engineering of Kielce University of Technology. Avid traveler, photographer and dog book collector.

Ewa Ziemska

Breeder and researcher of Presa Canario. Lived in Poland, London UK and presently stays in Kentucky, USA and traveled through whole Europe and 22 States discovering the breed. Speaks Polish, English and Spanish. Master of Science of Management and Computer Modeling and Engineer of Production Engineering of Kielce University of Technology. Avid traveler, photographer and dog book collector. Instagram @reygladiador